Stacey Blayze cleared her driving test

By 149 comments

We congratulate Stacey for clearing his driving test . We are proud of our trainers and students who pass the test with flying colors.

Jace Radney passed her driving test

By 1,071 comments

Jace got her driving licence after clearing the road test last month. The whole team at Rise n Shine Driving congratulates her.

Jobanjeet Singh cleared his behind the wheels test.

By 28 comments

Our student Jobanjeet cleared his road test. We congratulate him and our instructor for this achievement.

Kira Shall Sawatzky cleared her road test

By 48 comments

Our student Kira passed her road test with flying colors. We congratulate her and the whole rise n shine driving team who worked hard on her training.

Haley Edwardson passed her road test

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We congratulate our student Haley for passing her road test in first go. We are very proud of her and the instructor who worked hard on the lessons. 😊.😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

Gadiely passed his road test

By 41 comments

Our student Gadiely got his driving licence in first go. We are very proud of our students and instructor who worked hard for the test. A very congratulations to Gadiely!

Neha got her driving licence

By 258 comments

Our student Neha passed her driving test last week and got the licence. Our team at rise n shine driving school congratulates her and the team for all the hard work behind the training.

Serina passed her road test

By 12 comments

Our student Serina passed her driving test last week and got the licence. Our team at rise n shine driving school congratulates her and the team for all the hard work behind the training.

Manpreet got his driving licence

By 206 comments

Another student named Manpreet passed his driving test and got his licence few days ago. We appreciate our head instructor Komal and her student’s hard work behind these amazing results !

Rhythm cleared his Road Test

By 225 comments

Our student Rhythm got his driving licence in first go. We are very proud of our students and instructor who worked hard for the test. A very congratulations to Rhythm !